Thursday, January 24, 2013

Home Based Business

Can You Retire at 50?

If you can great, you are lucky.

If you can’t what are you going to do about it?

I can sympathize with you.

At 50, 60 and close to 70 I still had to work.

No golden years.

I figured that I would have to work until my last breath.

Been looking into different options.

Not many possibilities.

I am sure that you have looking also me.

But you never give up; just keep on until you find what you need.

The problem is that people are not educated it how to set up a good retirement plan.

It is a hit or miss system without any plan or goal.

You mention retirement to a 25 year old and they think you are a space alien.

Every now and you meet one that has a half a brain and is thinking about retirement.

But they are few and far between.

Most people should be looking closely at their retirement.

The earlier you start planning the better for you.

I know some of you are thinking,”I am way to young to start thinking about my retirement”, wrong the earlier you start planning the better off you will be.

I thought like that most my adult life, then one day I woke up and realized I had no retirement, only Social Security and that was not much.

I had bought stock and had good portfolio then 9/11 came along and wiped out most of that.

Events like 9/11 do not happen every day, but when they happen you need to be prepared.

I hope some one will listen to what I have to say.

Remember Murphy’s Law “if things can go wrong they will”

So always prepare for the worst.

The time is now to   start planning for early retirement.

I you are one of us that failed to plan for the golden years not all is not lost.

With some work you can join us that have found a way to fix this problem.

I have been looking on line for a way to increase my low Social Security income.


There are many ways to do that but it has to be secure and bring in a good additional income without working days on end.

The company has to be well-established have a history of regular monthly payments.

I have found that company.

No bull crap company I have been an affiliate of that company for over 3 years.

They do not feed you empty promises hype or lies.

Great Home Business

You have seen the whole page ads from us SFI  it is free.

So there is no money out of pocket.

We operate out of profit not out of pocket

This is a great way for us without Golden Nest Eggs to fix that problem.

Create our own Golden Years.

Why don’t you join me in the ride of a lifetime as we ride into the sunset together?

I will always be there to help you.

My Name is Gunnar Hardarson
SFI is my buisiness

















1 comment:

  1. Hi Gunnar,

    Good post. Yes, it's a pity more people do not plan for retirement while still in their 20s. Trouble is, when you are in your twenties you don't think you are going to get old!

    Starting an online business is a good way to prepare for "the golden years"...

    Best wishes,

