Wednesday, October 19, 2011

You Too Can become rich!

You Too Can become rich!

How, you may ask?

It is a process, and the first step is deciding on your path.

Would you be interested in an online business or brick and mortar business?

As an online business owner I prefer online so that is what we will talk about here.

Do you have what it takes to become a successful businessperson?

 Most successful business people are focused, on one thing and one thing only, the business.

If you can’t stay focused then you likely will never succeed!

But if you want to succeed badly enough then you can train your self to stay focused.

 It will be hard to do but once you take control over your thoughts you are a winner.

Then the universe is your playground and you will be success full in all your endeavors.

To help you become successful and save you lot of time and effort I am recommending a very successful international business to you!

StrongFuture International or SFI operates in 200 countries, has over a million members headquarters are in Nebraska USA.

 SFI is 14 years old.

SFI is one of the most successful online international companies in the World.

SFI offers many lucrative income streams to its members,

 The Thought behind SFI was to help the individual that wanted to own their own business but because of lack of funds could not make their dreams come true.

You can start your own SFI business without any capital, FREE with some work and you do some daily tasks that is easy.

Included are things like your own fully stocked store, you can sell your STUFF, you can also promote special things like electronics, vitamins, cleaning supplies and so on over 45000 different items available.

Join my team and you are in business for your self.

SFI provides great FREE training, member support out of this world.

All in all the best business you can imagine all ready for you to use.

You will operate your own business soon all without spending a penny, amazing!

I have tried all kinds of businesses but SFI beats them all.

I know that you will have fun while you are earning an income

I will always be there to give you support and help.

Why not Join my team now and get going towards your future!

I wish you great success now and in the future.


Bronze Team Leader



Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Not Enough Time

I have been writing seven letters for my auto responder.

It took more time that I expected.

I did get this finished late last night.

This morning I was thinking about people that sign up for business opportunities but never get started.

You waste your time writing to then sending welcome letters and you never get a response.

What are these people thinking, do you know?

I think that I get only about 3% the new recruits to start their business.

I guess that getting rid of the dead wood right in the beginning is a good thing.

Not dragging them along with the good 3% that are ready to earn an income in their own business.

SFI is such a great opportunity for anyone that wants to better his or her lives.

Where can you get started in a complete online business that you can operate from your kitchen table?

And it is all-free!

Just think about it a your own home business for free just some work from you.

Every time I sign in to SFI I  get so exited I see increases in my down line and my income.

It is such a wonderful feeling watching your future unfold in front of you..

When I am done writing this Blog post then I am going to help my wife write hers.

With English as her second language it makes it easier for her if I help a little.

We have a good time writing the Blog together.

Couples should do more of working together in their home-based businesses.

I love having my wife here in our home office working towards our goal of financial independence.

I have had people ask me how to go about selecting the best Traffic Exchanges.

I usually refer them to Traffic Hoopla; they list weekly the top 20 TE’s

 To go there click on this link HOOPLA there you will get all kinds of help on how to surf the TE’s and training, it is a great system for everyone.

I know that in Traffic Hoopla you will find lots of great tools to help you.

I better go and start helping the wife.

Have a great day

I wish you great success now and in the future.

Gunnar and Chenesa Hardarson

Bronze Team Leaders in SFI

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


-40 –40-40?

This is the typical life of the average weekly worker.

Work for 40hours a week 

And work for 40 years

And retire with 40 dollars in the bank.

A little exaggerated but still some truth in this.

 According to the Social Security administration the average American retires with less than 500 dollars in the bank

That tells me that there must be a lot of people that are barely making it.

Are you over 30 years old?

Are you thinking about your retirement?

I think that you should start thinking about that now.

It is to late after 40 years.

By the age of 60 you should have residual income enough to keep you in a comfortable life style.

Worry free,

Can you see yourself in your golden years struggling every day, maybe waiting for meals on wheals every day?

I am sure that is an awful way to exist.

And that is right it is only existing , no life.

Never go out with the other half for a nice meal at a good restaurant.

 Not able to afford a car, what a horrible life to look forward to.

But there is a way to avoid such a life.

The way to go about insuring you from such a life style is to start your own business.


You can start FREE no money out of pocket.

The only requirement is for you to work, only as hard as you like, until you have earned a monthly income.

It is not as hard as it sounds.

If you want to go fast track then you work hard, if you like to take your time you can do that. The system works with you to make sure that you succeed.

 If you want to speed thing up then you can spend money, but that is not a requirement.

SFI is a great company has been in business over 13 years.

Operating in over 200 countries with over a million members.

The system is set up in such a way that you just follow daily e-mails that lead you to whatever step you should take next.

It couldn’t be easier.

The idea is to give you a simple step-by-step system that will help you succeed without spending your hard earned money.

SFI is without question the easiest business for the average person to operate.

 The training is amazing; if you have any questions there are many ways for you to get an answer.

I personally am always ready to respond to your questions.

Also if you need help I will help you.

I enjoy seeing my team members succeed and my promise to you is that I will always be there to help.

Your success is my pride and joy.

There is nothing as satisfying as watching a person join my team and follow their progress until their own business is thriving and generating a nice monthly residual income.

I will be with you all the way until you are a savvy business owner teaching your own team.

  Go ahead and join our team you have nothing to loose.

This does not cost you any money, but could be your road to your financial freedom.

If you stumble I will be there to catch you.

You can always e-mail me if you have questions or concerns

My name is Gunnar Hardarson

Bronze Team Leader in SFI


Friday, September 2, 2011

Are You Ready?

Now is the season to start recruiting?

If not what are you waiting for?

Summer is about over and a lot of new people are looking for ways to supplement their income.

This is the best time to get new people in your down line

Don’t sit around and wait, get moving.

Either breathe new life into an existing business or start a new business venture.

There are many great businesses for you to choose from.

My personal favorite “Strong Future International.”

I guess that you are asking why?

Here are some of the reasons why.

The company is international has members in over 200 countries.

Have over a million members.

Has been expanding very rapidly.

Unlimited income potential for you.

You set your own income there is no limit.

 Residual income controlled by you.

Amazing training, support better than I have ever seen.

Best of all you can start for free!

The business is set up in such a way that you can start earning  income  come before you spend any of your own money.

I personally like free very much.

If you have an hour or two daily you can be earning an income is a month or two.

All depends on your effort.

The more you put in the more you will get out.

If you have time then you should be doing great very fast.

Well these are the main reasons that I like SFI so much.

In my first month I made Executive Affiliate.

No money out of my pocket, I like that.

This is a great way to have your own business.

Can you imagine your own business without spending any money?

Where can you do that without spending money?

I have not found any business like that except SFI.

You should click on this link and see if this fits your life style.

You can cancel your member ship any time.

You are always welcome back if you change your mind.. 

My name is Gunnar Hardarson

Bronze Team Leader in SFI

Friday, August 26, 2011

You Can Do It!

You Can Do It!

Believe in your self always.

Never doubt your ability to succeed.

It can sometimes be hard to feel upbeat on bad days.

But you can do it I am sure.

Don’t ever be negative in your thoughts.

Negative thoughts will intrude when you least expect them.

Set your self down and get these thoughts out of your head

The strange thing about negative thought is

that it will try to take over your thinking.

You should try to train your self to keep those thoughts out.

I know that you can do this.

You can start a business to help your situation.

 Running your own business can be a blessing.

Lot of people is making good money in their own business.

Instead of worrying about where to get more money start your business.

Many people are feeling the impact of the global recession.

Does not let that get you down in stead stay positive and never give up.

Stay positive I know it can be hard especially when things are not going your way.

What should you do?

Think outside the box.

Are you doing the same things as you have always done?

If so think what can you do to change your situation.

 If you have time on your hands then think what can you do with that free time.

Think positive do not start thinking negative.

There is always a way out.

It is just a matter of finding the path.

Sometimes it can be good to take a walk.

Meditate visualize and see your self as successful.

Think about your dreams what do you dream of?

Think about how you can start working on making your dreams come true.

What could you do right now?

Without moving from your computer?

You could start thinking about how owning your own business could help in your situation?

You know that nothing works unless YOU do!

Stay right there where you are.

Click on this SFI link and join right now!

You have nothing else to do right?

Go for it.

It is free to start.

You can even make money without spending any money.

Check it out

Could be the best move you ever made.

Doing nothing will have you still sitting here and you will be in the same situation.

Join SFI will get you moving.

It will give you lots of new ideas.

Think positive and get moving you can do anything you set your mind to.

I know you can do this easy.

Worst thing to do is just sitting there.

Joining SFI will get you dreaming again it is free nothing to buy

Check SFI out all e-mails from SFI have a link on the bottom where you can cancel your member ship.

So go ahead sign up it will give you something to think about.

You wont spend any money.

All it could give you is a path to becoming a business owner for freeSFI

I am a Bronze Team Leader in SFI.

My name is Gunnar Hardarson

Unless You Change How You Are,

You Will Always Have What You Got!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Do You Kick Ass?

Do You Kick Ass?

Or does someone kick your ass?

Do you dream big?

Or tiny little dreams?

What do you do

People with tiny little dreams usually never get anywhere.

They see to many obstacles everywhere

The ones with big dreams see opportunities all over.

They take action and are always positive

Being positive helps a lot but never let negative thoughts enter your mind.

Besides having a great business like SFI being positive makers all the difference

Your path to financial freedom is through a good business.

Strong Future International is an International company active in over 200 countries

We have over one million members on all continents.

Most people would love to be affiliated with a company like that.

You can start as an affiliate then work your way up to executive all without spending any money.

The company helps you to reach income without spending any of your money.

You promote Triple Clicks and get affiliates to shop in your store.

You get a nice percentage on every sale in your store.

They run lots of specials and sales where people can earn money, some sale items are discounted up to 99% so you see there is a lot of opportunity there to make a good income.

Visit the website and see the opportunities.

You will be amazed by the great deals they have.

TC and SFI combined are a great business best of all you can start making money with out spending any of your own money.

You show me a business that is easier then I will eat my hat.

There are no meetings to go to, no requirement to buy anything just promote TC and SFI and you can start running your own online business that you can be proud of.

And again you can be in profit without spending any of your hard earned money.

This business is truly amazing the training is great.

You will so surprised by the free material offered to get you making money.

In the beginning you will get 30 training e-mail of information how to get started.

I guess you are thinking what is in this for me?

A way for you to get financially independent with out spending your own money.

All you need is some time to, promote your new business.

That is what is in this for you.

The benefits are awesome; you get so much for nothing.

The magic word here is FREE you can’t beat that.

So get up of the couch and kick some ass!

Lazy won’t hack it

Just get going NOW sign up and see if this is for you.

At the bottom of every  e-mail you get from SFI has a link for you to cancel your account.

No questions asked it couldn’t get any easie

My name is Gunnar Hardarson

Bronze Team Leader in SFI and TC

Unless You Change How You Are,

You Will Always Have What You Got.

Sunday, August 21, 2011



 Is the baby sleeping?

Then what do you do?

Sit and watch TV?

How about starting your own home-based business?

I know it can be tiring caring for babies but if you have a good additional income from your own home business you could hire some help.

Then you could increase your promotions and increase your income.

Also increase your leisure time.

Now that sounds good right?

A great home based Internet business could be just what you need?

Could give you excellent extra income.

Think about this long and hard.

SFI is an International company operating in over 200 countries and has more than a million members on all continents.

SFI is the dream company and perfect business for homebound persons that need extra cash.

Can you see yourself receiving money from all over the world?

This business is truly World Wide and the opportunities are many.

The training is amazing and the support outstanding.

In my team you will never feel alone I am always available to assist you.

I personally make sure that all your questions or concerns are answered right away.

No ifs or buts about that ever.

The main reason I love SFI is that you can start  earning credits before you need to pay anything.

Also you can stay a free member as long as you like.

That was the reason I joined SFI.

I could start and create a basis for my business.

You can do that also there is never any pressure to try to get you to upgrade.

You go at your own pace fast or slow it is all up to you.

You are the BOSS now in this business.

No one is ever going to  push you or try to pressure you into anything.

That was the main reason I joined in the first place.

In the beginning I did not believe that a free to start business could be so easy.

But it was all true no pressure ever.

This is the ideal business for people like me in the beginning I was very short on cash now my situation is so much better..

There is no way you could mess up in this business believe me.

This so easy and the training leads you step by easy step until you will be a professional Internet marketer.

Also I am always there to assist and guide you on your way to success

If you ever had any doubts about starting your own online business you can lay them to rest here and now.

This is the best way for you to reach your financial goals.

And best of all with some work you can very likely fire your BOSS in about a year, possibly sooner if you are ready to work harder.

The business is all set up for you all you have to do you need to read and understand the business, if you have problems that is where I come in and help you, always.

I enjoy helping people and set them up in their own business just like I was helped in the beginning

I hope that you will get the same enjoyment that I get when I see one of my team reach financial freedom.

It is like seeing your kids leaving for college and on to greater things.

This is a people business help others and you will help your self.

We can have anything in life if we are willing to help enough other people get what they want.

Don’t forget that.

I wish you great success in life now and in the future.

My name is Gunnar Hardarson

Bronze Team Leader in SFI.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

When Is Payday?

When Is payday?

Do You Have More Month Than Income?

Many people are in that situation.

Wondering where the money is coming from that they need to pay the bills and feed the children.

It is not easy to find a well-paid job these days.

A home-based business could be the solution.

I know from experience that a home business can be the solution

A solid business like SFI has saved many people from the poor house.
An Internet based home business could be just right for you.

You can start with no money down.

Stay a free member as long as you like

Build your business until you have earned an income.

There is no pressure no deadlines to meet no sales quotas just proceed at your own pace.

The amazing thing about SFI is that you perform certain actions and get points towards your potential in come.

There are not many home-based businesses that do help you like that.

 The Triple Clicks side of SFI is a store that is stocked with over 40,000 different items also a auction system similar to e-bay,

This is all available for you for free.

The way SFI is set up you can have a thriving business with out any money out of pocket.

This is so incredible; you need to look far and wide for an opportunity like this.

Just think about this, you can have your own home-based business for free!

It is not every day that you find a opportunity like this.

Lot of people dream of a money generating business that they could operate right in their home no commute.

No BOSS  to irritate you all day hey you do this do that, take this JOB and shove it where the sun don’t shine!

That would be a great day for you and your family.

I won’t deceive you, you will have to work, and the more you put in your business the more you will get out.

That applies to all businesses on line or off.

But the satisfaction you will get out of building your own business is so amazing.

Even after long hours the satisfaction is so powerful that it all feels worth it,

I built my SFI business from the ground up started free after 8 months I was making money, now it is all worth it.

I did put in lots of long hours and elbow grease but now I am doing well

You to will enjoy it when you are up and running.

It seems to take forever to get started but if you follow the guide you can’t go wrong.

The training is remarkable,

Everything is set up for you step by step, the support is dynamic you must try SFI for free you can’t go wrong.

If you need more monthly income that you can generate without spending money then you have found the right place.

Get going now no need to wait.

Right now is the end of summer and people are looking to add to their income the timing is perfect. Get going and try SFI for free.

Get going before the crowd!

My name is Gunnar Hardarson

Bronze Team Leader in SFI

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Home Business

The Home Business

Being a home-based business owner in these uncertain times is a great way to earn extra income,

The benefits are so many.

One of the greatest benefits is being your own BOSS!

I think that most everyone dreams of being a business owner.

The feeling of getting up in the morning stretch and jump up full of energy ready to start a new day in your own business.

Instead of dragging your butt out of bed possibly a long commute and then having to face the nasty BOSS all day.

Can you see your self in your own business, setting your hours, being full of energy working in your own business?

That feeling is so amazing.

My day is like that.

 I have to work of course but I am the boss and that makes such a difference.

I look forward to every new day with excitement and happiness.

I check my e-mails oh yes I have two new members join my business during the night.

They potentially people that could be making money for years to come I get a commission and they will get new members in their business that will be paying them commissions for years to come.

Can you see why I am so exited every day?

My partners and I will be doing this every day.

I work for a while in the early morning then I take it easy until after lunch, then a siesta for a couple of hours.

Work for a while until it cools off then and the wife we walk for a while in the cool evening breeze.

You could join us by joining SFI our main business you can join for free, no requirement to buy any thing ever. If you quit that is fine.

No problem we understand no hard feelings we will wish you great success in your life,

You can stay a free member for, as long as you like.

We do not pressure people into anything if you like to take your time no problem if you like the fast track approach that is fine also. No pressure ever.

There here is no limitation how much you can earn.

You set your own pace.

Your benefits are so numerous it is amazing.

Join and see for your self there is no obligation but   SFI could turn out to be your dream business takes a look you have nothing to lose.

SFI has been in business for over 15 years has members in over 200 countries and over a million members.

Talk a bout well established rock solid company.

Always pays on time every month.

What are you waiting for you can’t get it any easier.

Check the business ask questions test drive and see if it fits your life style, no money out of pocket.

You do not have to do anything ever but if you want to make money then you need to work.

SFI is set up in such a way that you can earn money before you spend any money.

So what are you waiting for , go ahead and try it won’t cost you anything but it could be your ticket to financial freedom.

I wish you great success now and in the future.

I will always be available to help you .

My name is Gunnar Hardarson