Do you have a plan?
I am assuming that you do not.
Am I right?
No budgets either?
So where are you going?
No idea?
There are many ways for you to go, but you need a plan.
Do you have an income?
If you do, then create a budget.
A simple budget is all you need.
What is your income?
What are your expenses? If your income
Is more than your expenses then you are making money.
If your expenses are more than your income
then you are loosing money/
Now to create budgets just buy a inexpensive notebook.
Nothing-fancy start on page one.
Top left-hand site write down your income.
Divide the page into three parts.
Then on the top right side write down the daily expenses.
Like this
Income: amount expenses: amount
Then by the end of every day write down every expense.
Be specific, groceries, rent, mortgage, car payment gas and
so on.
The more detail you have the better.
You just created a simple budget.
It is easy but you have to be consistent, write your
expenses every day.
After about two months you should have a good idea
if you are
making or losing money.
Now you can start planning.
If you have extra income then it could be a good idea to
start a business.
Remember income +-
expenses =profit/ loss
If you do not have income, but would like to build a
SFI is an amazing business.
you can build this
business without spending any
money starting that business.
It is time to create a new income, easy, profitable,
training, superior support, all free.
Perfect for any family.
I wish you great success in all you do!
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