Thursday, January 24, 2013

Home Based Business

Can You Retire at 50?

If you can great, you are lucky.

If you can’t what are you going to do about it?

I can sympathize with you.

At 50, 60 and close to 70 I still had to work.

No golden years.

I figured that I would have to work until my last breath.

Been looking into different options.

Not many possibilities.

I am sure that you have looking also me.

But you never give up; just keep on until you find what you need.

The problem is that people are not educated it how to set up a good retirement plan.

It is a hit or miss system without any plan or goal.

You mention retirement to a 25 year old and they think you are a space alien.

Every now and you meet one that has a half a brain and is thinking about retirement.

But they are few and far between.

Most people should be looking closely at their retirement.

The earlier you start planning the better for you.

I know some of you are thinking,”I am way to young to start thinking about my retirement”, wrong the earlier you start planning the better off you will be.

I thought like that most my adult life, then one day I woke up and realized I had no retirement, only Social Security and that was not much.

I had bought stock and had good portfolio then 9/11 came along and wiped out most of that.

Events like 9/11 do not happen every day, but when they happen you need to be prepared.

I hope some one will listen to what I have to say.

Remember Murphy’s Law “if things can go wrong they will”

So always prepare for the worst.

The time is now to   start planning for early retirement.

I you are one of us that failed to plan for the golden years not all is not lost.

With some work you can join us that have found a way to fix this problem.

I have been looking on line for a way to increase my low Social Security income.


There are many ways to do that but it has to be secure and bring in a good additional income without working days on end.

The company has to be well-established have a history of regular monthly payments.

I have found that company.

No bull crap company I have been an affiliate of that company for over 3 years.

They do not feed you empty promises hype or lies.

Great Home Business

You have seen the whole page ads from us SFI  it is free.

So there is no money out of pocket.

We operate out of profit not out of pocket

This is a great way for us without Golden Nest Eggs to fix that problem.

Create our own Golden Years.

Why don’t you join me in the ride of a lifetime as we ride into the sunset together?

I will always be there to help you.

My Name is Gunnar Hardarson
SFI is my buisiness

















Friday, January 18, 2013

How Do You Wake Up Dead People?

How Do You Wake Up Dead People?

This occurred to me this morning when I saw a statement from a Traffic Exchange,

It stated that they had 55,000 members but only 5200 active members.

The Internet would be a very lively place if we could wake up all these “dead” people.

There are possibly hundreds or even thousand of people that have started to think of becoming a Internet marketer, but for one reason or and other never became serious enough to become anything but flotsam clogging up the Internet. 

The question is how can we the serious Internet marketers wake up these  “dead” people?

 If you look into any of your Traffic Exchanges that you have had for a long time look at your down lines and you will see that you have inactive people there.

If you have used that TE for a long time you will see that I am right.

I have tried to e-mail them from quite a few TE’s and sorry to say they still seem to be “dead” sorry to say I have not been able to resurrect any one of them.

Now the question is why did they give up?

Not good enough support?

Were they introduced to the wrong business?

Victims of scammers? We will never know.

This morning I came a cross a very intriguing opportunity..

“Revealed!  The closely guarded secret of much of 2011

CP+T+D+R=wealth income formula,”

If you are thinking about starting an online business and you see an advertisement like this, it would scare the heck out of you.

If you were gullible and you fall for an opportunity like this, I am sure that your savings were out the window very fast.

I think that things like these so-called opportunities are a big part of instilling fear and apprehension in a lot of people.

Also I am sure that worthless promises and scammers promising instant riches have burned a lot of people and they most likely won’t come back to try again.

I have the feeling that the damage these people (Gurus) have caused is so much that if we would calculate it, would be in the hundreds of millions in lost revenue from   the honest Internet marketers.

Sorry to say there is no way to calculate the damage in monetary value and lost reputations because the crap rubs on to everyone.

The thought of having all these people back and being productive marketers is very exiting.

Having them all on the Internet promoting their legitimate business is a wonderful thought.

I am sure that most everyone that has been scammed will stay away forever.

I have been scammed like most all people that have worked on the Internet, but like some diehards that wanted to make money on line we did not quit, but looked for an other business.

I was lucky I found a wonderful business 13 years old rock solid pays regularly every month great system great support and all in all the best internet business that anyone could wish for.

That business is SFI (Strong Future international) you should pick up the free information that we offer so you can see for your self.

It is ideal for retirees to work from home, I am 70 and making good money here come and join me.

Nothing works unless YOU do!

I wish you great success


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

SFI Your Way To Profits

SFI is a great business that you can build without spending any money.

By using the information in this Blog you can easily build a lucrative home based business.

One of the best ways to promote your business is to use list mailers.

On the left side of this page you can see four list milers that you can use for free..

I use these mailers every day with good results.

I use them to promote the “SFI The Kitchen Table Business” Blog if you have a Blog try mailers they are easy to use and free.

SFI is about as easy it gets, training great, support amazing and it is easy to create a nice monthly income without much of hassle.

You need to do few easy daily tasks that you can do in 15 minutes.

Then as you learn the business then you can start building your own online business.

That is fun and profitable.

In the beginning I was a skeptic but once I understood the business and everything fell into place  I started generating an income.

 Check it out you have nothing to lose.

I wish you great success in all you do.

I am always ready to answer questions you may have and if you need help I am always ready to help.

SFI is my businesses why not make it yours?  Click here now



Saturday, January 5, 2013

SFI and Network Marketing

SFI and Network Marketing


Many are called but few succeed why is that?

Daily you see new network marketing businesses pop up.

Majority of them look very promising, but strangely enough they disappear as fast as they pop up.


In my first years as a network marketer I had no idea what I was doing but I had this dream that the Internet was the future for small business creation.

I was dancing all over the Internet like a ballerina going berserk.


There were new opportunities springing up so fast you could not keep track of it all.

I wish I had kept a diary with a list of all these opportunities; it would be so interesting to see what happened to all these businesses that were supposed to be the last business that you would ever need.

There were promises upon promises. at that time  everyone could send e-mails full of Spam. Companies would teach their members how to extract e-mail addresses so they could use them to send Spam.

Some of these promotion tactics would now land you in jail, at that time that was thought to be good business.

When I look back you would think that some of these companies would still be in business today.

Way back when the Internet was like the Wild West a few people were making a lot of money but the companies are not around anymore

Except SFI.


Seems to me that the longest lasting companies that are still around today are the Traffic Exchanges and the auto responder companies.

Shows you that providing tools for businesses is great business that is the reason I promote SFI. We provide tools for businesses to help them run more efficiently.


It is like in the California gold rush the people that consistently made the most money were  the ones selling shovels and other services for the miners.

Some miners became very rich but the majority did not make any money at all.

But the shovel sellers made good money because they figured out how to fill a need.


My company SFI provides the tools to help the miners, but a smart person like you will associate yourselves with the shovel sellers therefore you should join me in SFI.

I hope that someday soon someone that had the foresight to record the pioneer days of the Internet will publish a book or a Blog with information about these days.

That would be fascinating reading I know I would buy such a book.


I have been involved with the Internet for a long time, possibly since 1998 or they’re about.

Fascinating place always something new and exiting all the time.

The new ideas the new thing and the new innovation a keep me on here just to feel the excitement and keeping up to date love the place, I am one of the lucky ones I found my company, my business, every day I meet new interesting people here, even way out in the Philippines I am still in contact just like I was there , everyday life provides me with such a wonderful opportunities, I am truly blessed.

I wish you all that read my little notes great success now and in the future!

My name is Gunnar Hardarson

Bronze Team Leader  in SFI